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from facebook
真系爛花一朵朵~ 做唔到,唔好做ar ma, 好彩我quality check jor, 如果唔系,收到死花個個真系想死~80 后做生意要有social responsibility please!



現在如果到達壹花園的Facebook粉絲專頁上看,已經可以看到部份的網友收到爛掉的花束,而感到憤怒的留言,很多人都認為讓情人或者Baby收到爛掉的花,無疑是一種觸霉頭又令人皆不歡喜的結果。目前尚未看到 Groupon HK (ubuyibuy)的回應,也許稍晚我們就會知道官方會如何處理這件事。


甜蜜情人:以 $199 購買壹花園總值 $1180 的精緻花束 + 花藝班 + $100 現金券 + 1 年會籍 !

One One Flower 壹花園

2011-02-15 update:
follow-up email @

1 則留言:

  1. follow up reply from One One Flower

    I am Stella Lo of One One Flower.
    First of all, SORRRRY for all the uneasy feeling causing you in this valentine's day period.
    Also, I would like to express my deepest apologize towards ALL related parties for their money lost and mentally ...hard feelings.


    I would like to take this opportunity to say sorry again for all our fault and arrangements.
    On behalf of my company and myself ---- to ALL of you - S-O-R-R-Y.

    We are doing the followings by now
    1. Please refund the whole price of the flower
    2. For those who pay extra fee (for delivery) please kindly give me your bank account so that I can REFUND the fee to you IMMEDIATELY
    3. I would like to say sorry to EACH of you one by one. I WILL reply your message one by one. i WILL reply the emails and personal messages one by one.
    I would like to try best do everything that can express my sincerely apologize if only you and your girl/wife/friend would feel better.

    Also I would like to say, thank you for all your comments here and in email. THANK YOU !
    I treasure all your comments/ advices/ suggesions/ expression here (and in email and phone and whatever)
    I will look into all of these.

    Thank you for all your understanding and patience. Thank you for clients come to our shop, thank you for clients waiting for our talkings, thank you for taking your time to call us and leaving messages here.
    thank you thank you thank you.

    I don't want to put it last but I am sure the following people will understand and will not mind : THANK YOU FOR ALL FRIENDS/ CLIENTS that support me in this difficult time.

    Stella Lo




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